About the AUPsyS
The Arab Union of Psychological Science is an Arab organization representing all professional psychological Science and all professionals, practitioners and researchers who are specialized in psychology in all Arab countries. The Union is an NGO aiming to achieve the best interest of the individual and society, and it emphasizes the importance of collaboration and joint Arab action for the development of psychological Science and the promotion of mental health and psycho-social well-being.
The AUPsyS has just recently established upon an initiative by the Jordanian Psychological Association JPA in cooperation with the International Union of Psychological Science, in an effort to implement the recommendations of two regional conferences, the 1st Regional Conference of Psychology in the Middle East and North Africa (MENARCP-1), which was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2003, and the 2nd Regional Conference (MENARCP-2), that took place in Amman - Jordan in 2007, where emphasis was placed on the need to establish an Arab Union for psychological organizations. This was further stressed and highlighted within Amman Declaration 2007, which was adopted by regional and international delegations specialized in psychology representing nearly 140 countries.

The objectives of the union include the following:
1. To advance psychology with all its branches and make it an active partner in various development plans.
2. Make use of the achievements of Western psychology and cross-cultural research, including cultural sensitivity within the Arab culture, in order to develop theories and appropriate applications that are suitable for the Arab societies.
3. To cooperate with regional and international organizations in matters of mutual interest, and keep abreast of advancements and trends related to the practice and legislation of psychology.
4. To facilitate cooperation and unify efforts of all scientists and practitioners working in psychology across the Arab region, and represent them in all international scientific meetings, forums and events.
5. To promote the performance and activities of all organizations in the member countries.
6. To encourage regional and international scientific exchange among researchers, students and newly graduates and emerging psychologists.
7. To improve psychologists’ competencies by developing the psychology education and training programs and regulating the psychology profession according to international standard.
8. To develop and unify ethical standards for psychological Science to protect the rights and duties of all parties.
9. To develop and support all aspects of scientific research and its application among the member countries.
10. To provide an appropriate scientific consultation to governmental and non-governmental institutions in issues related to human behavior and mental health of individual and community.
11. To enhance the image of psychology, and protect the reputation of psychologists and their rights and interests.
12.Unify the psychological concepts and terminology in the Member countries.